Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Graffiti, mean ugly! By: Marissa

Graffiti makes the world look ugly. I wonder why people feel the need to write on public places? The world is so beautiful, why would anyone want to wreck it? Do you agree?

For example, at my school we have a playground, and there is a shadier on the slide. And, all on the sidewalls and on the slide there is writing all over. Even some cuss words. It’s not very pretty inside the slide, not one bit. Plus, pretty much all of this is done by teens. I wonder what gives them the right to just write on public places? Oh, yeah, that’s right, nothing! I wonder if they think that it’s ok to do that?

This is important because, the world is so beautiful who would ever want to wreck it? And no one should have the right to just do this kind of stuff. Oh yeah I forgot, they don’t.

Do you agree with what I think?


  1. Marissa, I agree with what you think. Some people just don't respect other people's property and they think it is "cool" to do something mischevious. I am glad you don't think that way.

  2. Marissa,

    I really agree and you said it so well. I wonder what could be done about the graffiti on your slide?
