Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Essay By Matthew

Read this essay! Learn about RESPECT!

What is Respect? How can we show Respect?
That’s what I’ll talk about. First, what is Respect? Respect is listening to your parents the first time. This is better for you because otherwise they will have to yell at you.
Respect is not teasing someone. That’s very important even if someone is different you should still be friends with them and you shouldn’t judge them before you know them. Secondly, how can we show respect? Well that’s sort of the same idea as the first question. Listening to your parents, not teasing.
By showing good respect it helps you show some Responsibility. Taking care of your own things, being responsible for your actions, and then of course not teasing. To do that you need to care which leads us to caring.
So now we have Respect, Responsibility, and Caring, All very important parts of character. Respect is pretty much a 3-in-one part of character.
Now do you see the answers to these two questions? Now are you beginning to see and understand at least a little more about respect? If you weren’t before now are starting to see the MAJOR IMPORTANCE of Respect? It is a very, very, very important part of character. An Essay By Matthew


  1. Respect is a VERY important part of character. Without respect there would be no communication and trust. Very well written and explained Matthew!

  2. Dianne is 100% CORRECT. Keep it going, Matthew!

