Wednesday, January 19, 2011

An Example Essay By Matthew

In 3N we have been writing essays as a new unit in Writers Workshop. The students have been learning different ways to write an essay. We have been doing this for four days, this is our fifth day. Her is an example essay

My Cat,
My cat likes to drink running water. For example, when ever I brush my teeth and shes in the same room my cat will jump on the toilet climb onto the sink and stick her head in the water. After that I will have to carry her out of the room and close the door. But as soon as I'm finished our cat (MysticLooks) will jump right back on the sink and drink up.
My cat loves to play also.  As soon as I step foot in the door after school shes right there to greet me. As soon as I sit down to do my homework she jumps at my brothers leg which means "Lets Play!" Then I have to play with her until she figures out that playing with a bag is funner that chasing balls. Then I can finally do my homework in peace. Last of all my cat has big eyes. When ever shes in a corner or when  ever shes in a dark place her eyes will get big, glow, and get all metallic. Or when I'm alone on the top bunk reading she will stand in the doorway and look up at me until I carry her up the ladder.
                            By Matthew

1 comment:

  1. What a terrific essay, Matthew. I have a cat, too, and while I was reading your essay, I was picturing my cat doing the same things. I can tell from your writing that you really love your cat.
