Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Animal Research Project Session #2

Hello, I'm back to give you all the next session on the 3N Animal Research Project. Guess what, we're making an iMovie for our project it's so cool. So far, some of us are done getting our pictures and putting them on the product iMovie. I can't wait 'till it's all finished! I bet it's going to be awesome. So, here's what we are doing in this session. Session number 2, now that we're done doing the researching we're getting pictures to make the imovie. Then, we put all the pictures on the imovie, after that we all got our reports back from our teacher Mrs.Neft. Just so we could do the stuff on the imovie with it. Here's what we did with it. We took our reports and then we recorded our voice on the imovie with the built in microphones on the laptops. Last but not least, we finished that after that then we put the pictures in order or got different pictures for the imovie. It was so much fun, I sure enjoyed it. Next, this is going to be the best part for me we're going to put sound effects on the imovie. How cool is that! I wish you were here to join the excitement.



  1. I have seen a few of the iMovies as the class has been working on it. They look amazing! Keep up the great work!

  2. Wow what a great project!! How did they turn out?
